Exchanges and Returns
If for any reason you wish to exchange or return your item(s), you have 30 non-working days after the date on your order receipt to send it by post or delivery to our physical stores. .
To begin the exchange or return process, it is mandatory to fill out the form available below.
If you exchange it in one of our physical stores, you can do so directly in the store for another item you like, preferably with the same or greater value. If sent by post, the recipient is Vintage Bazaar and the address appears on the purchase receipt: Avenida Carlos Silva, nº 9 AB, 2780-354 Oeiras.
If you return to one of our physical stores, you can do so directly in the store, receiving a refund voucher of the same value valid for 6 months. If you want a refund using the same payment method, you must leave your order at the physical store and fill out the form that will be given to you in the store. If sent by post, the recipient is Vintage Bazaar and the address appears on the purchase receipt: Avenida Carlos Silva, nº 9 AB, 2780-354 Oeiras.
We remind you that articles must meet certain status conditions, namely:
- The article must be in perfect condition, without signs of use or any visible damage;
- You must ensure that the item comes with accessories (if applicable), with the original label and respective purchase receipt;
- Come with a properly closed bag/box.
If you wish to exchange or return a Vintage Living piece, the product must be returned in its original packaging to ensure its protection or, if it no longer has the packaging, it must be properly packaged so that it reaches us in perfect condition.
Please be aware that Vintage Bazaar is not responsible if the returned item is damaged.
As soon as we receive your return at our facilities, we will begin the process as quickly as possible and will contact you by email or telephone.
Please note that, after validating the process by email and authorizing the refund, the amount may take a few days to reach the destination bank account, for reasons beyond Vintage Bazaar's control.
The refund will be made using the same payment method as your order and the time limit for making the refund is up to 15 days.
Please note that only the value of the item(s) returned will be refunded.
The shipping costs for your order, such as shipping costs to our facilities (if apply) will only be refunded in exceptional cases such as, for example, if the item sent is defective or does not correspond to what was ordered.
If you have any questions, please contact customer support by email at or +351 911 746 229 (call the national mobile network).
If your order has not yet been processed, you can cancel it. To do this, you must contact our customer support by email at or by calling +351 911 746 229 (call the national mobile network).
If the order is in a “completed” status, it is not possible for us to cancel it, except in the case of exercising the right to cancel.